
School P&F Associations

Each Catholic school in Queensland has a Parents and Friends Association.  The parents or carers of all children enrolled in the school are members of the P&F Association. The association acts for the school community in all matters of a local nature. It is the centre of the Federation’s activities where policies have their impact on communities and where issues need to be dealt with in a positive and cooperative manner.

Arch/Diocesan Councils

Each local school P&F association is eligible to send two delegates to the Arch/Diocesan Parents and Friends Council in its diocese. These councils develop P&F policy for the diocese from input from the local associations and collaborate and cooperate with the Arch/bishop, Catholic education authorities and schools. They provide support, information, guidance and encouragement to the local associations and education authorities, plan and organises seminars and conferences. The Diocesan Councils also represent the P&F associations on the State Council.

State Council

This is the management body responsible for policy and direction and consists of two representatives of each diocese, an independent Chair, a nominee of the Provincial Council of Bishops and the Executive Director and Executive Officer as ex-officio non-voting members. The present Chair of the committee is Mr Wayne Crase from Townsville and the Queensland Bishops’ Nominee is Rev Deacon Russ Nelson from the Archdiocese of Brisbane.

National Catholic Education Commission (NCEC) Parent Committee

NCEC has established a parent committee to advise and have to the Commission about parent issues. This group will be the voice of parents in Catholic Schools in Australia. Every state and territory has two representatives.

Joint Parent Committee (QJPC)

The four parent organisations in Queensland representing state, Catholic, independent and isolated students and parents formed this committee to attempt to raise the status of education in the political arenas at both state and federal level, and to press for improved funding for all students. The QJPC meets regularly with the Minister for Education.